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Topics related to HFSS, Maxwell, SIwave, Icepak, Electronics Enterprise and more.

About Bertotti’s separation method’s amplitude of AC flux components


    • tjrdn3218
      I am currently working on core loss calculations using ANSYS Maxwell and comparing the results with my FEM analysis. Specifically, I want to align my FEM results with the core loss values provided by ANSYS Maxwell. Below are the steps I have taken and the challenges I am facing:
      1. Bm Calculation:
      To calculate the Bm (amplitude of the AC flux components), I applied FFT to the time-domain flux density data from each element in my FEM analysis. I then multiplied the FFT results by the respective frequency components and calculated the total core loss by multiplying these values by the element’s area. However, my calculated core loss values differ significantly from those given by Maxwell.
      Could you advise on the correct way to obtain Bm from the FEM data? Is there a specific method I should follow to ensure that my calculated values align more closely with Maxwell’s results?
      2. Total Core Loss Calculation in Time-Dependent Analysis:
      When running a time-dependent analysis in ANSYS Maxwell, I observe that core loss values are calculated over time. To obtain the total core loss for the entire period, should I be summing these time-dependent core loss values over the full cycle? Or is there a different approach to extract the total core loss directly?
      Any guidance on these issues would be greatly appreciated. Thank you!
    • HDLI
      Ansys Employee

      Hello tjrdn3218,

            1). In transient soltuion, do you get steady state in core loss? Maxwell is using dynamic core loss model, so the model would reach the stable core loss result after half cycle sometimes.

            2). Is it 2D or 3D in your simulation? The core loss model's euqation is for power density in Maxwell generally, and it could also be BP curve. Could you double check the unit and value?

            3). When doing FFT, is it for one electrical cyle result? If not, please make FFT for one cycle.


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