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A problem of auto-mesh in ANSYS FORTE

    • losinyao181031

      I'm trying to simulate a 360° in-cylinder combustion in forte, and after I've completed the setup and clicked validate which doesn't show any errors, I choose to run the simulation, but the result gives FAILED.
      When I open the specific message, the following appears:

       Creating auto mesh....
         [---Refinement control Global Mesh Size has been activated--------------------------------------------------------------------------]
         [---Refinement control Surfacedepth has been activated------------------------------------------------------------------------------]
         [---Refinement control Linedepth has been activated---------------------------------------------------------------------------------]
      Assertion failed in cut cell creation: VertexDataBuilder.cpp:2800
      Assertion failed in cut cell creation: VertexDataBuilder.cpp:2800
       Error encountered during mesh creation. Possible causes include:
          1) Surface intersection occurred;
          2) Surface normal vectors pointing to the wrong direction;
          3) Material point being outside of the fluid domain.
       Please contact Ansys Support for more information.
      Assertion failed in cut cell creation: VertexDataBuilder.cpp:2800
      Assertion failed in cut cell creation: VertexDataBuilder.cpp:2800
      Assertion failed in cut cell creation: VertexDataBuilder.cpp:2800
      Assertion failed in cut cell creation: VertexDataBuilder.cpp:2800
      Assertion failed in cut cell creation: VertexDataBuilder.cpp:2800
      Assertion failed in cut cell creation: VertexDataBuilder.cpp:2800
      Assertion failed in cut cell creation: VertexDataBuilder.cpp:2800
       Error in creating auto mesh
      MPI Finalized
      Error: FORTE simulation failed to complete
      Licenses Released

      I tried checking the settings and also made changes according to the tutorial, but it still shows the same error, how do I proceed with this problem?

    • jcooper
      Ansys Employee


      There is probably an error in one of the mesh inputs or in the tutorial itself. 

      I would suggest opening the included file Sandia_Engine_LTC_EarlyInj_360.ftsim and comparing the inputs for the mesh and nozzles there to those in your ftsim file.  Check also the piston motion settings, the initialization and the simulation limits.

      • losinyao181031

        Hi, jcooper

        Thanks for ur reply !

        And could you please send me the file Sandia_Engine_LTC_EarlyInj_360.ftsim? Or please tell me where I can find this file.

        It will very helpful.

        email: losinyao181031@gmail.com

    • jcooper
      Ansys Employee


      The Sandia_Engine_LTC_EarlyInj_360.ftsim  file can be found as part of the Sample Diesel sector case in the ANSYS Forte Quick Start Guide:


      • losinyao181031

        Thanks for your help!

        I've solved this problem by finding out that the geometry vectors were the problem, checking them with forte's own “check surface”, and then deleting the problem vectors.

    • jcooper
      Ansys Employee


      Thank you for your update. Is the geometry your own, or is it one of our tutorial geometries? 

      If it is one of our tutorials, the step to check surface normals should have been noted as part of the setup process.  I will ask the documentation team to correct it.



    • jcooper
      Ansys Employee


      This troubleshooting page, available in the ANSYS Forte Best Practices PDF, may be helpful for future issues.  


      The inverted surface normals issue is mentioned there, but it should not be coming up in a tutorial without warning.

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