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A possible bug was found in using of boolean subtract function

    • Changming Song

      I have tried to create two group of objects by "duplicate along line(Attach To Original Object)"&"Thicken sheet", but I finally got "unclassified" objects.

      (For example the following "Group B" became "unclassified" after "Thicken sheet", even if every hexagon is simply proximity/attach to the others rather than intersecting)

      While trying to find out the problem,  it seems that boolean operations(especially subtract&intersect) cannot be performed correctly in some cases, as shown.

      Group A: selected result of rectangles substract rows of hexagons

      Group B: selected array of hexagons

      result of subtract(A-B),which is obviously incorrect

      Rectangle C: A rectangle larger than Group B

      result of intersect(B&C),which is obviously incorrect too.

      Z-axis coordinates of the sheets mentioned above are all zero.

      Additionally, I'd like to ask how to implement a "merge-like" operation in HFSS.

      Looking forward to hearing back from the engineers~

    • Praneeth
      Forum Moderator

      Hi Changming Song,

      Thank you for reaching out to the Ansys learning forum. 

      Please let us know the version of AEDT that you are using to help us serve you better.

      Regarding your first question about getting unclassified objects, please make sure that you are using the thicken sheet command correctly (assuming that you received unclassified objects during the thicken sheet command). 

      Regarding your main question,it looks like you have some other objects created during the geometry creation (maybe by mistake). To check if the boolean subtract is working as intended, please hide the remaining objects that are not part of the boolean operation, perform the boolean operation and see the result. Also, it is recommended to verify that all these sheets are on the same plane by using the properties panel.

      Hope this helps.

      Best regards,

      • Changming Song

        Hi Praneeth, thank you for your reply~

         The version of AEDT I used is 2023R1 before I realized the trouble of  boolean subtract, and then I updated AEDT to the newest 2024R1.

        I'm familiar with the operations of HFSS, and I've checked the thicken sheet command should be correct, as shown below. 

        According to your reply to my main question, I hide all the other objects and record the result.  All these sheets are on the same plane.

        Screenshots as follows.

        Group A: selected result of rectangles substract rows of hexagons

        Group B: selected array of hexagons

        result of subtract(A-B),which is obviously incorrect

        For all these reasons, I'm afraid there is something wrong with this boolean subtract function.

        In addition, I also hope to get some advice on my third question: how to implement a "merge-like" operation in HFSS, which means unit a duplicated object itself if parts of it intersect to other parts.

        Looking forward to your further reply~

        Best regards,

        Changming Song.

    • Changming Song

      Hi Praneeth, thank you for your reply~

       The version of AEDT I used is 2023R1 before I realized the trouble of  boolean subtract, and then I updated AEDT to the newest 2024R1.

      I'm familiar with the operations of HFSS, and I've checked the thicken sheet command should be correct, as shown below. 

      According to your reply to my main question, I hide all the other objects and record the result.  All these sheets are on the same plane.

      Screenshots as follows.

      Group A: selected result of rectangles substract rows of hexagons

      Group B: selected array of hexagons

      result of subtract(A-B),which is obviously incorrect

      For all these reasons, I'm afraid there is something wrong with this boolean subtract function.

      In addition, I also hope to get some advice on my third question: how to implement a "merge-like" operation in HFSS, which means unit a duplicated object itself if parts of it intersect to other parts.

      Looking forward to your further reply~

      Best regards,

      Changming Song.

    • Praneeth
      Forum Moderator

      Hi Changming Song,

      Please note that you can use "Unite" boolean operations to implement "merge-like" operation in AEDT.

      I tried to replicate your model to the extent possible and I did not see any glitch during the subtract operation. I am sharing a screenshot of the same for your reference.

      Also, one more interesting point here is - in your model only a fraction of the model after performing the subtraction has issues while the remaining portion looks correct. So, I do not think the issue is with the subtraction operation.

      Best regards,

      • Changming Song

        Hi Praneeth, thank you for your reply~

        Can you show the details of "Rectangle2" in your screenshot?If our modeling methods were exactly the same, it would be very confusing indeed. 

        Or will it be a problem with irrational values of points? Consider that the model is built using parameters, and there are irrational coefficients in the formula. I'm not sure if there is a problem with the software when retaining a finite number of decimal places.

        "Unite" boolean operation would work if I untick "Attach to original object" when I duplicate an object, but when I have to do parametric modeling, I should tick "Attach to original object". "Unite" boolean operation would not work when I choose a single duplicated object.

        Best regards,

        Changming Song.

    • Praneeth
      Forum Moderator

      Hi Changming Song,

      Here are the screenshots of the model. My apologies for getting back to you late, I had to recreate the model as we do not store the models.


      I agree that "attach to original object" should be used for creating a parametric design. 

      If it helps, I have created the rectangle1 array first, then created the polygon2 array and then subtracted the latter one.

      Hope this helps.

      Best regards,

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