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Topics related to Fluent, CFX, Turbogrid and more.

a gas-solid catalytic reaction on the surface of a particle

    • Diri Li

      When I simulate a gas-solid catalytic reaction on the surface of a particle in ANSYS Fluent,  the product concentration stays at zero after the calculation is completed. That's why?

    • Essence
      Ansys Employee


      Could you please share the screenshots of the models (physics and chemistry) you have used?

    • Mohammad Raihan Arfin

      Hi Everyone,

      I'm trying to model the speices transport for the carbon dioxide methanation reaction in a microchannel reactor with dimension 50*0.45*0.15 mm, for which I have the chemkin format files for gas phase kinetics, thermodynamic data and surface chemistry data with extenions .inp, .db and .che respectively. However, when I try to import these files in fluent it closes abruptly with some error message but since it just closes almost instantenously, I'm not able to read the error message. Can anyone help me with this.

      Also, I was wondering how may I define the catalyst coated layer in my fluid domain? As it can be seen the attached figure I have created the geometry using design modeler, where there is a outer solid body and inner fluid body, I have named the outer surfaces as solid wall and the inner fluid body which is the fluid domain as inlet and outlet at the left and right end, but I have doubts about naming and defining the catalyst layer, here I have named the fluid domain walls as catalyst layer but I am doubtful about it. How can I do so, and according the geometry which I created and imported in fluent the following messages pops up which I don't really understand the meaning of.

      ["At least one many-to-many mesh interface is found in the case file. Such mesh interfaces will not be available in a future release of Fluent. It is recommended to convert to the current default one-to-one mesh interfaces with the following text command:

      /define/mesh-interfaces/one-to-one-pairing? yes


      Preparing mesh for display...

      Note: zone-surface: cannot create surface from sliding interface zone.

      Creating empty surface.

      Note: zone-surface: cannot create surface from sliding interface zone.

      Creating empty surface.

      Note: zone-surface: cannot create surface from sliding interface zone.

      Creating empty surface.

      Note: zone-surface: cannot create surface from sliding interface zone.

      Creating empty surface.


      Setting Post Processing and Surfaces information ...Note: zone-surface: cannot create surface from sliding interface zone.

      Creating empty surface.

      Note: zone-surface: cannot create surface from sliding interface zone.

      Creating empty surface.

      Note: zone-surface: cannot create surface from sliding interface zone.

      Creating empty surface.

      Note: zone-surface: cannot create surface from sliding interface zone.

      Creating empty surface.Done."]

      Also, I didn't find any tutorials about setting the model for catalytic reaction including the surface chemistry.

      I'm bit new to ansys so don't really about sources where I can get any help from. Any help would be much appreciated. I am attaching the pictures for reference.

      Geometry and mesh

      Kinetics file Import

    • Essence
      Ansys Employee

      Hello Mohammad,

      I would request you to post the queries as a new Forum questions, instead of continuing here itself. This is from administrative point of view. I hope you understand. Thanks.

    • Diri Li


      I am glad to receive your reply.

      That is my model. How can I be certain that this reaction is occurring, and if so, can the reaction rate of this catalytic reaction be customized through UDF?

      I would greatly appreciate your help.

      • Essence
        Ansys Employee

        Could you please share the screesnhots which are in English?

    • Diri Li


      I apologize for not noticing the language conversion before.

      That is my model and some of the calculations, I chose carbon as the catalytic particle material and modified its material parameters, but I am not sure if this reaction can take place. Besides, I wonder can this reaction define its reaction rate through UDF?

      I consulted the user manual and it says that it is possible to perform a gas-solid catalytic reaction on the surface of the particles. The results of my attempts appear as shown in the figure, with an increase of one order of magnitude in CO2 and temperature at the catalytic material in a small area. So I would also like to know if the catalytic material I have set up will itself undergo a combustion reaction while the setup reaction is occurring, and if so, how to stop this combustion reaction. 

      Thank you very much for your help!!!

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