3D Design

3D Design

Topics related to Ansys Discovery and Ansys SpaceClaim.

3D Model Fails to Convert to Sheet Metal

    • iwood


      I was hoping somebody with experience on sheet metal conversion (or flat plate development) would be able to guide me towards a fix on this issue.

      I have a 3D model created in Ansys SpaceClaim with some bends, I've assigned the material and tried converting it to a flat plate. It successfully recognized all of the bends except for 2, which you can see in the picture below.

      SpaceClaim returns an error that it is unable to create junctions at these locations, saying "sheet metal conversion error: wall faces are different thicknesses". This confuses me because I did a measurement on the thickness of plate at these locations, which is supposed to be 4.75 mm. As you can see from the measurement, that's exactly what it shows.

      Any idea what could be going wrong?

      Thanks in advance for your input.


    • Devendra Badgujar
      Forum Moderator

      Hello Ian, 

      Let us continue our discussion through the Ansys Customer Space for this. 



    • Fabian Scr

      Not the Same Thickness?

      • iwood

        That's what one would think, but the thickness matches up with the rest of the part. I have a technical rep working on this with me. He couldn't figure out the cause of the issue so it was reported as a bug with the development team. I will post an update once I have it.

        • Fabian Scr


          When its 0.001mm difference make spaceclaim Stop

          You can Mark all Outsice surface Copy and Pace, Delete the solid and Mark all surface and pull it to the Right Thicknet, by me Help this in 99% of the Problems.


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