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3-D Assembly component distorted while performing Ansys Simulation


      Hello everyone, I am facing issues related to component distortion from the cross flow hydroturbine assembly while running the simulation in the solution part of the Ansys Fluent. I have eliminated the issues related with meshing by keeping orthogonal quality nearly around 0.15 (by modifying parts of the geometry), but still I am facing such type of component distortion attached herewith and also a "floating point exception" error is indicated in the solution while trying to run the simulation. I would be grateful if anyone could solve this problem.


      Thanks & Regards,

      Jyotipriyam Baruah

    • Prashanth
      Ansys Employee

      Hello, can you please clarify what you mean by component distortion? If you are using sliding mesh, preview the mesh motion to disregard any issues on that side.

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