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2D Geometry in SpaceClaim to Static Structural Model

    • a5833959

      Hi guys,

      I tried to create a 2D geometry in spaceclaim (as shown in below image), but when I use model to do structural analysis the model doesn't show up the line, only a square.

      Thanks in advance for any help!

    • Naresh Patre
      Ansys Employee

      Is this a display issue or import issue? Can you select the face selection filter and then try to select all faces in the graphics window and see how many faces get selected. If you are seeing more than 1 face, then please check what Display options have you selected. The Shaded Exterior Option will not show up the edges. Try switching to other Display options from the list to display the edges.

    • a5833959

      Thank you for your reply, the display is working. But I am thinking to assign different materials to each section. Do you know how to resolve this?
      Thank you!

    • peteroznewman
      Go back to Spaceclaim. You have one surface with six faces. You need six surfaces.
      The simple way to get six surfaces is to pick one face, type Ctrl-C then Ctrl-V. That will copy the face and paste it in as a surface. Do that five more times and then delete the surface with six faces.
      On the Workbench tab, click the Share button. Now the mesher will mesh all six surfaces with a connected mesh, but you will be able to assign a different material to each surface.
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