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Topics related to Fluent, CFX, Turbogrid and more.

2D DPM with Dynamic mesh-abnormal exit

    • Thodorisdm


      I am modeling the below 2D case, in which I have an oscillating wall. I have modelled the oscillation through dynamic mesh and layering more specifically.


      Henceforth the convergence of the flow-field, I start particles simulation (DPM). However, after this runs for some time-steps it always gets me the following errors : 

      I checked whether this error appears when the particles are in contact with a specific boundary but this is not the case. The error appears after particles have already been in contact with different boundaries (such as the moving wall, symmetry). 

      Could you support me on that?


      Kind regards, 


      and this is from fluent error log :

      Error [node 999999] [time 3/19/24 9:58:7] Abnormal Exit!

    • Prashanth
      Ansys Employee

      Hi, Where are the particles injected from?

    • Thodorisdm


      Particles are injectected inside the domain above the discs with zero initial velocity vector. Their injection location is highlighted below : 


    • Prashanth
      Ansys Employee

      So, the injection location, is it affected when the mesh changes? Does it still fail when you use, say injection at inlet surface

    • Thodorisdm

      The injection location is in the stationary part of the mesh (The oscillating wall is oscillating in a small region not in whole domain). Right above the region in which I apply the layering technique for the dynamic mesh motion, I have my injection location. Moreover, it crushes quite some time-steps after all my particles are injected (200 particles in total). I am running in Fluent 2023R1, I tested 2024R1 but also crashed. Furthermore, I increased max. number of time steps but it crushed too. 

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