General Mechanical

General Mechanical

Topics related to Mechanical Enterprise, Motion, Additive Print and more.

2023 Upgrade

    • Kenneth Ekpo

      I am now using 2023 R2. After updating my software I tried to run an earlier archive which  I have been using as a baseline with no convergence issues for my previous version. 

      I have not been successful in making my model converge. I have been probing this and I heavily suspect the problem might be from my frictional contacts. I am running a model with a lot of sheet metal parts hence I have a lot of frictional surfaces. Prior to this i had left them as frictionless but this gave me convergence issues especially with large defelctions turned on. 

      Do you think I should surpress all my frictional contacts. is there a good substiture for this. In my 2022 R2 I had no convergence issues.

      On this s9lver i m also having scoping issues. Anytime i try to update my model on space claim and re import geometry other parts start to loose scoping or simply become unsurpressed and cause convergence issues. is there also a good solution to this as well or am i missing a setting.

    • Akshay Maniyar
      Ansys Employee

      Hi Kenneth,

      I do not see any details in your post. Did you mean to post something else? Let me know if you have some issues while posting your query. I will be happy to help you.


      Akshay maniyar


      • Kenneth Ekpo

        Thanks Akshay that was an error on my part. I have updated the question now.

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