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Ansys Learning Forum Forums Discuss Simulation Preprocessing Creating only surface mesh on midsurface Reply To: Creating only surface mesh on midsurface


I can check Thick Shells and Beam in the View menu...

to make my shell mesh look like this:

This is just a display setting, they are still shell elements, not solid elements.

If you uncheck Thick Shells and Beams in the View menu, then you will get what you want, if you have a surface body.

You can tell if you have a surface body by looking at the Outline. In the example below, I imported both the solid and the surface body, and suppressed the solid. You can see that the surface body was assigned a thickness of 5 mm.

If you want to import the surface body directly from Inventor (if you have the license to do this) go to Workbench and click on the Geometry item in the System block. The Properties panel is on the right side of the screen. Set the Mixed Import Resolution to Solid and Surface at line 29.

If you created the midsurface in DesignModeler, then you don't have to set this.

Hope this helps.