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Ansys Learning Forum Forums Discuss Simulation Fluids Create an animation with open source tool FFMPEG Reply To: Create an animation with open source tool FFMPEG

Ansys Employee

In some cases it can be necessary to create an animation with the FFMPEG tool in batch using preexisting jpeg-files FFMPEG is installed within the ANSYS installation process and used by CFDPost. FFMPEG can be found in the following directory of the CFX installation: -ANSYSInstallatioDirectoryANSYS Incv145CFD-Posttools The batch command for creating an animation "test.avi" based on a series of animation frames called AnimationFrameXXXXXX.jpg is as follows: ffmpeg-20071211binwinntffmpeg.exe -r 24 -y -f image2 -i ./AnimationFrame%06d.jpg -f avi -vcodec mpeg4 -b 2000000 ./test.avi This command can be run from the DOS command line on Windows.Â