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Ansys Learning Forum Forums Discuss Simulation Electronics Can’t run electromagnetics in AIM Reply To: Can’t run electromagnetics in AIM

Ansys Employee

Can you please provide a bit more detail on the analysis you are trying to perform and a screenshot of your physics settings?  

My assumption at this point is that you are interested in an Eddy Effect Computation? This is available for Physics Regions with the Physics type set to Electromagnetics and the Physics Calculation type set to Frequency response. From the product manual section " Physics > Physics Options > Eddy Effect Computation" : 

Eddy Effect Computation allows you to control both Eddy effect and Displacement current computations for the conductors in an electromagnetics frequency response design. Eddy effect refers to current flow (eddy currents) induced by a time-varying magnetic field in conductors; while displacement current refers to currents due to a time-varying electric field. The effects of these currents on the solution tend to be more significant at higher frequencies.

To control Eddy effect and displacement current computations:

Select an option for how Eddy effect computation is applied. The default is Program controlled, which automatically selects all conductors for the computation, or you can explicitly choose from the following:

  • User defined, which enables you to select the conductors you want to include. Note: Eddy effect computation must only include conductors.

  • Off, which instructs the solver not to perform Eddy current calculations.

Select an option for how Displacement current computation is applied. The default is Program controlled, which automatically selects all conductors for the computation, or you can explicitly choose from the following:

  • User defined, which enables you to select the objects you want to include. Note: Conductors selected for Displacement current computation must also be selected for Eddy effect computation. You can choose to apply Displacement current computation alone for non-conductors you select.

  • Off, which instructs the solver not to perform displacement current calculations.