Ansys Learning Forum Forums Discuss Simulation General Mechanical How to extract running loads and moments from SHELL181 elements in workbench? Reply To: How to extract running loads and moments from SHELL181 elements in workbench?


Do you have a link to the CLT tool that you can share?

The User Defined Result for SMISC4 with the smaller elements shows in the Details window that the output is for the entire section and not for a ply. Could that be the reason for the discrepancy?

I am interested to study this further. Please prepare a zip file that has (1) a FEMAP neutral file for Version 12 of your simple test model, (2) an ANSYS archive of the same simple model and (3) any documentation you made that shows the CLT tool result, the FEMAP result and the ANSYS result. I would be grateful if you could reply with a link to that zip file.  Thanks in advance.

If you are unfamiliar with the ANSYS archive, it is a single file with a .wbpz file extension that combines the .wbpj file with the projectname_files folder where all the other project files are kept.  To keep the ANSYS archive small, do not include results when creating the file.  To create the .wbpz file, in Workbench, use File, Archive.  If the model has a large mesh, you can delete the mesh before making the archive to make it even smaller, but in this case, that is not necessary.