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Ansys Employee

Dear Sampath kumar,

Thank you for your question. The easiest way to implement a power electronics converter to drive your motor is using Maxwell Circuit. Maxwell circuit can be used as an excitation for Maxwell when the windings have a type “External”. You can select this from the drop down menu. By right clicking on the “Excitations” tab under the project manager, you will see the option for “External Circuit”. From there, you can set up a new external circuit, or import the netlist of an already existing one.

You can find an example of such case in the examples folder in Maxwell, by clicking file > open examples > Maxwell > Electric Machines > Interior permanent magnet.

Apart from this, you can use TwinBuilder, which has a very broad range of applications, including closed loop control, complex excitations such as SVPWM etc. but might need more work to setup. You can find more information on TwinBuilder on the Ansys Electronics Help under “TwinBuilder”.

I hope this helps!