Ansys Learning Forum Forums Discuss Simulation Fluids The Relationship Between Steady Flow Iterations and Transient DPM Time Step Reply To: The Relationship Between Steady Flow Iterations and Transient DPM Time Step

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That's the one - turn the Turbulence & RSM equations off too. You're turning the flow solver off & just tracking particles. 

Parcel ID has a logical labelling method. What that method is isn't something I can explain! The number of parcels is the same as the number of surface facets and you're releasing a parcel per facet per time step. 

There isn't a good link between iteration and particle position as it's down to the flight time: that's then a function of the DPM time step. Saving images with %i in the name will add the iteration number to the filename (%t is flow time step & %f is flow time).