Ansys Learning Forum Forums Discuss Simulation Optics Metalens efficiency calculation in Zemax OpticStudio Reply To: Metalens efficiency calculation in Zemax OpticStudio

Christophe Weisse
Ansys Employee

Hello, thanks for your message.
For the Large Scale Metalens article, you need to generate .h5 files with a compatible version of Lumerical. Did you go through that process ?
This other article: Eye tracking optical system with a metalens – Ansys Optics has .h5 files packaged with the sample files, it might be easier to discuss this example as it is easier to have a common ground.
You can then use different options to assess the efficiency of the metalens surface, for instance with the Polarization -> Transmission analysis that will provide you the transmission for the total system, and for every surface.
To answer your question about the article, I'd most likely need to have more details about your process and details of the setup.
Opening a support ticket is then quite likely a better option. You'd need to use the Ansys Customer Support Space (ACSS)​ to do so.