Ansys Learning Forum Forums Discuss Simulation Fluids Issue with Symmetry Conditions in Wet-Running Multi-Disk Clutch Simulation Reply To: Issue with Symmetry Conditions in Wet-Running Multi-Disk Clutch Simulation


Thank you very much for your response.
The full-circle model has 16 inlet pipes, while the symmetry model has 8 inlet pipes (all of them are grouped into one inlet).For the inlet type with mass flow rate, the mass flow rate for the symmetry model is halved and entered accordingly. The full-circle model has 6 axial outlet pipes (all of them are grouped into one axial-outlet) and 6 radial outlet pipes (all of them are grouped into one radial-outlet), while the symmetry model has half of that: 3 radial and 3 axial outlet pipes.For the outlet type with pressure, the ambient pressure is entered (for both the symmetry model and the full-circle model).

Is this what you meant?