Ansys Learning Forum Forums Discuss Simulation General Mechanical XFEM Crack growth of internal crack in a 2D plate Reply To: XFEM Crack growth of internal crack in a 2D plate

Jose Mishael C J


I received support from my ANSYS license provider and found the solution to my problem. I am sharing it with the community.

It was a problem within my code itself. I made mistake in specifying the normal to the crack front/tip plane. The direction of the crack propagation will be in X direction and for two crack fronts/tips, the direction of normals should be opposite to each other. The modified section of the code is as follows.

! New Local coordinate system for CINT definition at left side crack tip
WPSTYLE, , , , , , , , 1
CSWPLA, 11, 0,
! New Local coordinate system for CINT definition at right side crack tip
WPSTYLE, , , , , , , , 1
CSWPLA, 12, 0,
!Fracture Parameter calculations
CINT, NEW, 1 ! Crack ID for first crack front
CINT, NORM, 12, 2 ! Define the crack plane normal
CINT, NEW, 2 ! Crack ID for second crack front
CINT, NORM, 11, 2 ! Define the crack plane normal
Best regards,
Jose Mishael