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Hello Kaushal,

Ok, so it´s just that I can´t check stresses inside the elements. Got it. But just to be clear, the use of midsurface is valid? Like I´m not considerly over simplying the model and hence getting lower stress/strain results?

"I am assuming you have selected the solid body as contact and shell body as target" Actually no, ANSYS would not let me do it this way, it says the contact is FAR OPEN no matter what pinball radius I assign. I´m gonna take a look at the Symmetric option for the contacts to see if I get results.

"Also, I believe you have scoped multiple contacting pairs in single contact object, this is not recommended" I do have some like 2 contacts geometries to 1 target geometry, but like the 95% of the contacts are 1 to 1.

"make sure that you have set Shell Thickness Effect to Yes" I started with this ON, but got problematic contacts not being detected in modal analysis and after I took off the thickness effect it worked fine. And yes, I selected the orientation TOP/BOTTOM accordingly.
