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It looks like you are making a honeycomb core sandwich panel and modelling individual cells. A much simpler way to create a honeycomb core sandwich panel is to use a rectangular solid to represent the core, mesh it with 6-8 hex elements through the core thickness, and assign an orthotropic material to the solid body. The orthotropic material, when populated with data from the honeycomb manufacturer’s datasheet, will create the correct stiffness so that the panel will behave like a honeycomb core sandwich.

The facesheets can be either sheet bodies and meshed with shell elements or solid bodies and mesh with hex elements with 4 elements through the thickness of each facesheet.

In SpaceClaim, on the Workbench tab, use the Share button to have the rectangular solid and the two surface bodies (or two thin solid bodies) share nodes so your model does not need any bonded contact.Â