Ansys Learning Forum Forums Discuss Simulation General Mechanical Simulation of an Artillery Shell Reply To: Simulation of an Artillery Shell

Dennis Chen


Hey OP, I believe I just answered this question on reddit lol.   If you are the same person, basically you have to do a 1-way FSI analysis if the failure mechanism you are trying to model is the shell’s interaction with air at indicated acceleration and the pressure induced from this interaction is what you believe will cause failure. 

FSI analysis starts on the fluent/CFX side and you map the resultant pressure to the mechanical side in a 1-way coupled analysis.   If you have access to ALH (which I don’t at the moment), you can find a good course there on how to do this. 

something like this would be pretty fun to do so if you are willing to share the detailed parameter of the problem, I would love to know what those are.