Ansys Learning Forum Forums Discuss Simulation Photonics How to measure transmission coefficients on a given plane . Reply To: How to measure transmission coefficients on a given plane .


Mam its a metasurface.That is producing high intensity spot for the provided input.Metasurface consist of 6 regions meansits a kind of 2X3 lens array where each lens is sensitive to a specific polarization (sect 1 (bottom left)is for x-polrzied light,sect2 (bottom right for y-polarized light) ,sect 3(middle left for 45 degree polarized light),sec4(middle right for 135 degree polarized light) ,sec5 (is for RCP light),sec6 is for LCP light.Mam i found this answer of Gulin sir as mentioned in this link

 but i am unable to find values of RCP and LCP transmission as he suggested can you plz guide in this regard as they asked to decompose .How could we use poynting vector as he did for x and y polarized light.Plz mam help me in this regard