Ansys Learning Forum Forums Discuss Simulation Fluids Air Heat Transfer Coefficient – SteadyStateThermal Simulation – ANSYS Mechanical Reply To: Air Heat Transfer Coefficient – SteadyStateThermal Simulation – ANSYS Mechanical


Good morning, thank you so much for the help! 🙏

Yes, in my case there is only natural convection; I tried to use the temperature dependent values for the film coefficient (Stagnant Air - Horizontal Cylinder fot the resistor itself, Vertical Planes for vertical surfaces of the wood plate, Simplified for the horizontal surface of the wood plate) but still I'm not able to reach my results. The measured temperature of the resistor is 130 °C, while from the simulation it reaches 250 °C more or less.

I watched a lecture from Ansys Innovation Space

Here they state that the film coefficient of the air can be estimated analytically, but I guess it is not my case since I have a complex geometry, not a simplified one). Another way to find it could be doing experiments, but actually I can't do them, finally I could use a CFD analysis to extrapolate the htc and give it to ANSYS Mechanical. Do you think there are also other ways? Because I don't think that for such a simple model I need experiments or CFD.
The only idea I have in mind is to simplify the geometry of my body making it as a simple cylinder (keeping the same volume and the same surface of the original body), and try again to use the handbook values already stored in ANSYS. What do you think about it?