Ansys Learning Forum Forums Discuss Simulation Photonics Errors Running Ring Modulator Example on Cluster Reply To: Errors Running Ring Modulator Example on Cluster

Ansys Employee


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We use an internal website to request resources to a GNOME desktop. Once open, I use the terminal app to open Lumerical: I type “module load lumerical/2021r2”, hit enter, then type “CAD” to confirm our licensing agreement, and hit enter again. The Lumerical GUI opens, and I can use it just how one uses the application if installed locally.

  • How many resources e.g. nodes, cores, memory, etc. are you requesting?
  • When you run the simulation file from the Lumerical CAD/IDE – what is your Resources configuration?
  • Have you tried running using “Local Computer” as the Job launching preset – run on only 1 node? (see here)  

Please send a screenshot of your Resources configuration & Resource advanced options.