Ansys Learning Forum Forums Installation and Licensing Ansys Products mechanical scripting support to include time and spatial varying load. Reply To: mechanical scripting support to include time and spatial varying load.

Ansys Employee

The outline is below.  Unfortunately you probably can't use such a technique without a very good knowledge of the APDL command language.  As mentioned the solution should be broken up into small time steps, dt.  The commands below would be exectuted before each step:

node_numb=node(x,y,z)   ! node_numb is the node closest to the x, y, z location to measure velocity

V_y=VY(node_numb)       ! Retrieve velocity at node

F_dist=Formula                 ! Compute distributed force based on formula                        ! 

nsel,s,loc,,x1,x2                ! Select nodes to apply force to

