Ansys Learning Forum Forums Discuss Simulation LS Dyna user-defined state subroutine Reply To: user-defined state subroutine

Pedram Samadian
Ansys Employee


You are right. As per LS-DYNA Keyword User’s Manual Vol. I Appendix II (LS-DYNA Keyword Manual), with a defined *EOS_USER_DEFINED card for a part, LS-DYNA first calls the EOS to calculate the bulk modulus and then calls it to update the pressure and internal energy.

About your second question, in LS-DYNA, variables like temperature are usually part of the state that are updated and passed through calls to the subroutine. This means the value of temperature at the end of a previous step will be carried into subsequent calls to the subroutine unless you overwrite it. The subroutine does not automatically reset the temperature to 293 K unless you explicitly reinitialize it in your code (i.e. you hardcode it in the code).

I hope this information answers your questions.

