Ansys Learning Forum Forums Discuss Simulation Fluids Not being able to replicate paper simulations Reply To: Not being able to replicate paper simulations

Thank you for your response. I have tried to contact the author before reaching out on the forum here, but I still haven't gotten a response.

I tried to continue with this by simulating the 2d simulation (before this, I was using the 2d-axis only to see if I could get similar results first before continuing). I kept all the parameters the same (model, boundary conditions), except that this time I made the 2d design planar instead of axisymmetric. This is what the results were for the temperature, which does not have any similarities. The first image is the 2d-axis and the second image is the full 2d geometry.

CDN media

CDN media

I have also looked at the velocity:

CDN media

CDN media

Where can be noticed that the velocity seems to be very low. Do you have any idea what went wrong in here? The solution was converged, so I was not able to do more iterations for this.