Ansys Learning Forum Forums Discuss Simulation Fluids Assistance required for Air and Particle flow simulation through pipe Reply To: Assistance required for Air and Particle flow simulation through pipe


I have set the following parameters for my simulation in ANSYS Fluent:

  1. Type: Pressure-based
  2. Velocity Formulation: Absolute
  3. Time: Steady
  4. Multiphase: Eulerian
  5. Viscous Model: k-omega, mixture
  6. Discrete Phase: ON
  7. Injection Type: Surface
  8. Particle Type: Inert
  9. Material: PVC powder (560 kg/m3)
  10. Diameter Distribution: Rosin-Rammler
  11. Discrete Phase: Particle
  12. Particle Velocity Magnitude: 16 m/s
  13. Total Flow Rate: 0.3 kg/s
  14. Min Particle Diameter: 0.000063 m
  15. Max Particle Diameter: 0.00025 m
  16. Mean Diameter: 0.0001 m
  17. Spread Parameter: 1.5
  18. Number of Diameters: 10
  19. Drag Law: Wen-Yu
  20. Inlet Boundary Condition: Velocity Inlet (20 m/s air)
  21. Outlet Boundary Condition: Pressure Outlet
  22. Initialization: Hybrid
  23. Calculation Iterations: 200
  24. Pipe Length: 32 to 35 m approx.

Can you confirm if these settings are appropriate for my particle and air flow simulation (fluid fluent)?

Training tutorials are a good option, but I need to resolve this issue urgently.

Please let me know as soon as possible. Your guidance is crucial for me as I cannot proceed further with my simulation without it. 

Thank you.