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Ansys Learning Forum Forums Discuss Simulation General Mechanical Self-made car jack – static structural analysis Reply To: Self-made car jack – static structural analysis



I surpressed all bonded contacts and used joints revolute instead, and also I applied a fixed joint between the screw and the two components it passes through.

What’s more I applied joint body-ground for the floor of my car.

But then 3 Warnings showed up :

1)One or more MPC or Lagrange Multiplier formulation based contact regions or remote boundary conditions may have conflicts with other applied boundary conditions or other contact or symmetry regions. This may reduce solution accuracy. For MPC based remote points, setting the relaxation method may help eliminate overconstraint. Tip: You may graphically display FE Connections from the Solution Information Object for non-cyclic analysis. Refer to Troubleshooting in the Help System for more details.

2) Joints are being used in the current analysis with Large Deflection turned Off.  Thus, only linearized joint behavior will be considered.  If finite rotation and large deflection effects are to be considered, please turn on Large Deflection.

3) Two or more remote boundary conditions are sharing a common face, edge, or vertex.This behavior can cause solver overconstraint and is not recommended, please check results carefully. You may select the offending object and/or geometry via RMB on this warning in the Messages window.

Error: An internal solution magnitude limit was exceeded. (Node Number 82821, Body Upper base2\Bryła1, DOF UY) Please check your Environment for inappropriate load values or insufficient supports.  You may select the offending object and/or geometry via RMB on this warning in the Messages window.  Please see the Troubleshooting section of the Help System for more information.