Ansys Learning Forum Forums Discuss Simulation Fluids Not being able to replicate paper simulations Reply To: Not being able to replicate paper simulations

Ansys Employee

Thank you for the information.

  1. the velocity looks wrong if it's zero at the inlet. Anyway, the flame speed of stoichiometric h2-air is about 2.4 m/s. This means that the flame will move upstream. So, it's not possible to get a flame shape looking like that in the paper. A quick calc (with some assumptions) shows that Re = rho*U*L/mu = 1.2*1*0.002/2e-5 = 120. So the flow is probably laminar.
  2. the EDC model in general will require some kind of "ignition" (either patching or starting from a solution already having a flame). Did you check the temperature field after the initialization? 
  3. The residuals plot does not have a key.
  4. The mass balance is good but the heat fluxes look very unbalanced.
  5. Did you check if the parameter values for the Sutherland viscosity actually make sense?