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hey, I tried your process and I faced errors:

error1: The unconverged solution (identified as Substep 999999) is output for analysis debug purposes. Results at this time should not be used for any other purpose.

error2: Element 10365 located in Body "for fsi - Copy|Sclera" (and maybe other elements) has become highly distorted.  You may select the offending object and/or geometry via RMB on this warning in the Messages window.  Excessive distortion of elements is usually a symptom indicating the need for corrective action elsewhere.  Try incrementing the load more slowly (increase the number of substeps or decrease the time step size).  You may need to improve your mesh to obtain elements with better aspect ratios.  Also consider the behavior of materials, contact pairs, and/or constraint equations.  If this message appears in the first iteration of first substep, be sure to perform element shape checking. Named Selections for the offending element can be created via the Identify Element Violations property on the Solution Information Object.

warning 1: The unconverged solution (identified as Substep 999999) is output for analysis debug purposes. Results at this time should not be used for any other purpose.

warning 2: Solver pivot warnings or errors have been encountered during the solution.  This is usually a result of an ill conditioned matrix possibly due to unreasonable material properties, an under constrained model, or contact related issues.  Check results carefully.