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Ansys Learning Forum Forums Discuss Simulation General Mechanical Nonlinearity convergance problem Reply To: Nonlinearity convergance problem

Dennis Chen


I wish we can just upload archive files so it’s easier to provide quick advice.    But since I can’t actually run and troubleshoot myself, here’s a few steps I am hoping will help

1) turn on shell thickness effect in the contact pair

2) run contact tool (right click connection and add contact tool) – check initial penetration, if there are any, check geometry and resolve it

3) in the contact setting, change formulation to pure penalty (more sensitive to FKN, may or may not matter)

4) change normal stiffness to value and change the value to 0.1, also change update frequency to per iteration - aggressive in the setting below it. 

5) under solution information, change newton raphson residual from 0 to 4 (this generates some contours that allow you to troubleshoot from non-convergence occured)

Hope this helps.