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Ansys Learning Forum Forums Discuss Simulation General Mechanical Static Structural Analysis, Reaction forces in different coordinate system Reply To: Static Structural Analysis, Reaction forces in different coordinate system


Hi Rezvan,

I like the simple analysis Ashish did on a cantilever fixed at a hole at one end and force (100N acting in X, Y, and Z directions) acting at the other end of the cantilever. The reaction force in global coordinate is as expected (100N, 100N, 100N).

I don't expect reaction force components to stay the same value in a different coordinate system. Extending the simple example, create a rectangular coordinate system that is rotated 45 degrees about the Z axis from global.  The value expected along one of these new X or Y axes would be the RSS of the two components in global or 141.42 N.  Your expectation that the values should not change is wrong.