Ansys Learning Forum Forums Discuss Simulation General Mechanical Coupled field transient of brakedrum Reply To: Coupled field transient of brakedrum


Hello Peter,
As per your suggestions, I applied the loadsteps with time integration turned off for first step. 
After running the simulation, following are the results,
Total deformation-

The disc appears to be expanding for total deformation and joint probe (relative rotation).

Equivalent stress as shown below-

Joint probe as shown below-

This result is obtained for modified density after multiplying by a factor of 1000.

I've also tried a coupled field transient for this disc brake. I have kept time integration off for the first load step.

I have got a list of messages after the run as follows-

I am getting an error as follows-


The error is as follows as per solution output-



*** ERROR ***                           CP =    2216.203   TIME= 00:00:33
 Solution not converged at time 1.E-04 (load step 1 substep 1).         
  Run terminated.


 Before the above error, a warning is seen as follows-

Contact element 20199 (real ID 6) status changes abruptly from contact 
 (with target element 21278) -> no-contact.

The force convergence plot does not show the substeps converged,

Two physics region have been defined as follows-


Structural- Thermal -

The frictional contact details are as follows-


I have also applied command snippets as follows-

Frictional contact-

Transient analysis-

Any suggestions for resolving these issues?

Another point, I would like to know how to get a temperature distribution in transient structural due to frictional braking?

As you mentioned, after increasing the density I could observe the rotational velocity increasing in the first load step after turning off time integration. So thank you for that suggestion.

Looking forward to your reply,

