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Ansys Learning Forum Forums Discuss Simulation LS Dyna user-defined equations of state Reply To: user-defined equations of state

Pedram Samadian
Ansys Employee


The consistency between the temperature update and energy balance in the system, the update of the temperature-dependent parameters such as specific heat capacity or heat transfer coefficent, and the compatibility between the update approach and applied time-integration scheme (explicit or implicit) are essential when working on the secondary development of user-defined equations of state in LS-DYNA. 

Please check the LS-DYNA Theory Manual (LS-DYNA Theory Manual) and Keyword User’s Manual Vol. 1 – Appendix B (LS-DYNA Keyword Manual) for further information.

Some advice for you:

  • Test your code with simple problems before moving to complex simulations.
  • Add checks in your code to catch unphysical values (e.g. negative densities, infinite temperatures).
  • Compare your EOS implementation with experimental data or benchmark problems to ensure accuracy.

I hope this helps.

