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Ansys Learning Forum Forums Installation and Licensing Ansys Products Taking Static Structural Total Deformation Result to Fluent Reply To: Taking Static Structural Total Deformation Result to Fluent


Thank you for the links, however, they weren't what I needed. To be fair, I needed to reword the original question. I was able to find a workaround (really a "trick") with named selections.


1) Prior to solving the model, define a named selection that is based on surfaces.
2) Solve the model.
3) Click "Solution (A6)" and towards the top right corner of Mechanical, press the "Worksheet" button.
4) In the worksheet, press the "Solver Component Names" radio button.
5) Right-click the named selection defined during (1), drop-down appears, left-click "Create Total Deformation Result." A new Total Deformation Results appears under the solution of Static Structural 
6) Left-click the newly created Total Deformation Result and change the "Scoping Method" from "Geometry Selection" to "Named Selection".
7) Retrieve the result.
8) "Export as STL" the newly retrieved result.

Step (6) above was the key. 
That one baffled me, because in the worksheet, the result was created based on the surface-based named selection.
I tried this with second-order elements and it seems to work (Tri6's get split into four Tri3's, that's all).