Ansys Learning Forum Forums Discuss Simulation General Mechanical Honeycomb Shear modulus Calculation based on Analysis – ASTM 273 Reply To: Honeycomb Shear modulus Calculation based on Analysis – ASTM 273

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Ne yazık ki remote olarak ağda bir sıkıntı olduğundan ayın 30una kadar ulaşamayacağım modele ama detayları paylaşmak isterim. Bonded  contact kullandığımda core edge ile plate'in orta kısımları birbirlerini tutmaktaydı bende her şey program controlled'teyken. Bende bu nedenle fixed joint kullanmaya karar verdim. Modelimde facesheet yok ve Testin gerçekleşme mantığını düşündüğüm zaman jointlerin rigit olmasını gerektiğini düşündüm. 
I supported my model with fixed support from bottom face of bottom plate(bottom and top plates are solid) then between  top face of bottom plate and bottom edge of core fixed joint, then bonded contact between walls of core, then between top edges of core and bottom face of top plate I have  fixed joint.
The ASTM document states that the load to be applied should cut the core diagonally. For this reason, I applied the force and displacement that I applied to the top plate by assigning a coordinate system. In addition, I wondered if there would be a difference if I applied it parallel to the plate and tried that too and observed a difference of 1 mpa in modulus, so it is not very effective.
In addition, when I applied 500 N (it is a random number because I only need the slope in the linear region of the force displacement curve) and solved linearly, the modulus I obtained is 239 MPA, and when I only turned on the large deflection in the same model, the modulus is 212 MPa. Later, the strain rate was given as 0.0020 inc/min in Hexcel TDS, and I applied displacement in this way and solved linearly, which I thought would be more accurate, and found the shear modulus to be 242 Mpa. Afterwards, when I turned on the large deflection in the same model, the modulus was around 220 MPa. I applied displacement in 10 steps and in the 10th step, the end time was 60 seconds.