Ansys Learning Forum Forums Discuss Simulation Fluids CFD Simulation: Reverse Flow Issue at Outlet2 Reply To: CFD Simulation: Reverse Flow Issue at Outlet2

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No. The value you're setting triggers the convergence check, but doesn't alter the solution accuracy (well, assuming the check value is 1e-3 or lower). I could set the check as 10, the result would be useless but the convergence check would trigger as complete. 

In your case continuity is stuck slightly above the default convergence check value. So, we then look to flux balances (is what enters the domain leaving) and point monitors (is the solution changing) to figure out why the residual is stuck. You may find some very slight changes in the flow with iteration and you then need to decide if the change is within an acceptable tolerance. This is why we don't rely on just residuals and also look at monitors and look at the flow results in detail.Â