Ansys Learning Forum Forums Discuss Simulation Photonics DGTD band structure calculation Reply To: DGTD band structure calculation


Thanks for your response. Here I am concentrating in FDTD:

to make my objective clear, let's assume that I want to introduce a defect in an infinite array of plasmonic nanowires.

i can assume that the defective unit has an infinite array on the left and an infinite array on the right hand side. It is very memory-intensive to analyze the whole array with a defect in the middle. Can this be done similar to the Lumerical Bragg example by considering coupling between:

1- the fields at the interface between the infinite array on the left and the defective unit

2- the fields at the interface between the infinite array on the right and the defective unit

and calculate transmission through the whole system at resonance frequencies of the eigenmodes (of the infinite array)?

