Ansys Learning Forum Forums Installation and Licensing Ansys Free Student Software Error: An error occurred when post processor attempted to load a specific result Reply To: Error: An error occurred when post processor attempted to load a specific result

Reno Genest
Ansys Employee


Ok, you don't need the 200 steps to capture the vibration. Explicit dynamics takes small timesteps automatically. The explicit timestep is calculated based on the CFL condition (element size and material density).

So, to capture the vibration, you need to set the end time so that you can capture the vibration of the beam. In the tutorial, it seems they used an end time of 0.219s:


Also, make sure you output the result at a high enough frequency to capture the vibration. The default is to output 20 results over the time of the simulation. If the end time is 0.219, it means you will have a result every 0.219s/20 = 0.01095 s. This may not be enough. I would set the result output to 100:

This way, you will have 100 results in time that you can animate:

