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Ansys Learning Forum Forums Installation and Licensing Ansys Free Student Software Error: An error occurred when post processor attempted to load a specific result Reply To: Error: An error occurred when post processor attempted to load a specific result



I am not sure what you mean. These are my Analysis Settings form the Explicit Dynamics. I tried it with all kinds of geometry (longer beams, other materials), but nothing changes. I played with the “Number of Steps” between 20 and 200, and with the “End Time” between 0.5s to 0.0005s. I should receive a result which shows some oscillations of the beam after removing the load from the Static Structural. This tutorial shows what I try to do in the simple setup before I continue to our actual, much more complex project. YouTube example

In order to start simple, I try to fix this issue first.

Our main project involves the simulation of the dynamic snapback effect of a specific rope type. However, I not sure which components to use in workbench. The basic setup can be compared with this simple example. A Static Structural (is the input) to tension the rope and then we release the tension in the next simulation step which should calculate the speed, acceleration and large scale complex deformation of the rope. I presume we should use LS-Dyna or Explicit Dynamics in our setup. However, as we know we will approach speed of sound, the air resistance/ high speed cfd effects should be taken into account in every step of the second phase of the simulation.

Thank you for your feedback.