Ansys Learning Forum Forums Discuss Simulation Fluids Savonius 2D simulation, Cp increasing after stall point Reply To: Savonius 2D simulation, Cp increasing after stall point


This is the transient simulation I have done sir. Since my turbine rotates the clockwise rotation I put negative in omega. The first contour is for tsr=0.6 (closer to experiment) which has maximum of 2 m/s velocity and second is for tsr=1.1 (deviating from experiment) which has maximum velocity of 2.4 m/s. I have put images of both tsr for your reference sir.

I have used k-epsilon realizable with enhanced wall treatement model.

I did not understand the of initial solution being fully flushed out of the domain sir. 

The image shown is for MRF at tsr=1.1 (ignore air, as I manually entered water properties and saved changes in the same name)