Ansys Learning Forum Forums Installation and Licensing Ansys Free Student Software Unable to open “Workbench” created HFSS project in Student Electronics Desktop Reply To: Unable to open “Workbench” created HFSS project in Student Electronics Desktop


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How does one "check project compatibility"? HFSS is HFSS, there is no variation, correct? The only difference is that the project was created in the Workbench environment (ANSYS 2022 R2 Workbench) and we are attempting to load it into Ansys Electronics Desktop Student. Both have HFSS.

The geometry took weeks to create. It would be a huge waste to start over. Even if there is a way to export the geometry from the Workbench HFSS file in a way that it can be imported into a new Electronics Desktop Student file, that would save days or weeks of work.