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Ansys Learning Forum Forums Installation and Licensing Ansys Products Static Structural vs Transient Strutural – Contact stress Reply To: Static Structural vs Transient Strutural – Contact stress



Hello Lydia, 

I want to do Transient Structural and I want to use cyclic symmetry (but cpcyc,all,,1,,40     allsel,all ) does not work. I have used Normal Symmetry now (but I am not sure it is right or wrong).

I have applied radial load (500 N in +Y dir.) on bottom surface on IR and outer surface of OR is FIXED support. The contact is Frictional (0.1 around). I gave the IR to rotate around Z direction (+1000 RPM)

I made it bit less complicated now….



The ball has to rotate around their own axis in Z direction as the IR rotates and OR is fixed.

I am not able to come up with the correct B.C./Solver setup. Could you please help me out here?

Thank you!!