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Ansys Learning Forum Forums Discuss Simulation General Mechanical Bonded contact failed in Modal Analysis Reply To: Bonded contact failed in Modal Analysis


Thanks for prompt reply!

Yes, I am performing Pre-stress Modal Analysis. I have gone through that video, and understand that.

Static Structural : In this, as mentioned above using two steps for assembly of Elliptical cam and ball bearing.

                           BC's : Center node of CAM is allowed to rotate in  direction and in plane X-Y motion is fix

                           Contact : In step 1 uses frictionless, to solve interference. Step 2 applied Bonded contact between two edges

In Modal, I am expecting to get 1st natural frequency to be zero i.e rigid body motion about z. but it showing non zero frequency (373 Hz).

Before modal, contact status between CAM and Inner race of bearing is Bonded. (with gap of 40 micron along Minor axis (x-horizontal) and 0 gap along major (y-vertical). Does this gap causes any problem or not.

For more details about model, pleae go through Last msg again.

In pre-stress modal analysis, does modal block consider deformation after load step 2. cause I tried to search pre stress problem which has used 2 or more load steps in structural stage but didn't found any problem with 2 or more load steps on youtube and Ansys forum. Every problem has only 1 Load step in Structural part. Please clarify on this as well.