September 25, 2024 at 10:42 am
Ansys Employee
Hi Juan,
To easily identify gaps in Fluent meshing, the best approach is to apply shared topology within Fluent Meshing. Start by enabling the "shared topology" option in the "Describe Geometry" task, which automatically adds a new "Shared Topology" task to your workflow. By selecting the "Mark Gaps" option, you can visualize any unresolved gaps in the model that may be causing mesh failures.
Alternatively, you can remove gaps directly from the "Outline" tab. Simply right-click on the mesh object, navigate to "Advanced," and select "Remove Gaps."
For more detailed information on the "Remove Gaps" option, refer to the section 10.5.2: Removing Gaps Between Mesh Objects in the ANSYS Fluent User Guide: 10.5. Advanced Options (