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Ansys Learning Forum Forums Discuss Simulation General Mechanical Radial Displacement on Rigid Cylindrical Body Reply To: Radial Displacement on Rigid Cylindrical Body


Thank you very much for your suggestion. I conducted the simulation by defining the previously rigid part as flexible and applying a radial displacement using a user-defined cylindrical coordinate system. The material for both the target cylindrical body and the contact stent body is set to stainless steel by default.

However, the equivalent Von Mises stress in the contact stent body is excessively high with just a 20% radial displacement (see the attached image 👇). I also tried different accepted geometries and materials, but the issue persists. Could you help me understand the possible cause for this?


Additionally, I am running this simulation model in Explicit Dynamics, where normal displacement can be activated on the inner rigid body surface via the user-defined cylindrical system (attached image 👇). My question is: would it be feasible to use Explicit Dynamics for my boundary condition (mentioned in my post)? Because, I am a quite beginner user of explicit.