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Ansys Learning Forum Forums Discuss Simulation Electronics Plotting Ex, Ey and Ez in vector forms individually Reply To: Plotting Ex, Ey and Ez in vector forms individually

Ansys Employee
Hi, you can use filed calculator to create Ex, Ey and Ez and then plot them. Here is how you can do it: 1. Maxwell 3D->Fields->Calculator. 2. In field calculator page, Input->Quantity->E, Vector->Scal?->ScalX; Add... In Named Expression Window, type in name Ex. Repeat the same with Ey and Ez 3. Select a point, line, surface, or object in your Maxwell project where you want to create the plot. 4. Go to Maxwell3D or Maxwell2D and navigate to Fields > Fields > Named Expression. 5. In the dialog box that appears, select the derived quantity you want to plot (Ex, Ey, or Ez) and click OK.