Ansys Learning Forum Forums Installation and Licensing Ansys Products Boundary Conditions – Wall – in Ansys Fleunt for FSI Simulation Reply To: Boundary Conditions – Wall – in Ansys Fleunt for FSI Simulation


Hi Rahul,

I was trying the way u suggested. It was working fine (I used to get 2 Data trasnfer for each pair).

But now thje same thing is not working (I AM getting only 1 Data trasnfer for each pair AS SHOWN IN SS BELOW)



Am I doing anything wrong? I could not find any info on the OPTION of choosing 1 Data trasfer (1 way FSI) or 2 Data trasfer (2 way FSI). How does the Ansys SC knows I want 2 way or 1 way? Its very weird...Hope to get some inpuit soon. Thanks!!