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Ansys Learning Forum Forums Discuss Simulation Electronics designing maxwell 2D design of Synchronous Reluctance Motor Reply To: designing maxwell 2D design of Synchronous Reluctance Motor

Ansys Employee

Dear @namitkatel,

There are various ways to create rotor barriers in Ansys Maxwell 2D. The simplest one, if you have a simple geometry is to use the user defined primitives to create the rotor. If you select Draw > User Defined Primitives > RMxprt > SynRMCore (this is just one example of the primitives available. It has the option of setting rotor barriers), you get the following options:

As you can see, you can set barrier numbers and dimensions as you please.

If the design is more complicated and cannot fit into one of the RMxprt user defined primitives options, you can also “draw” the barriers on the rotor. If you create a polyline that is a closed loop (start and end points are the same), then Maxwell will automatically create a vacuum object enclosed in the polyline. If you subtract these objects from the rotor, then the rotor will have the designed “gaps” you need.

I hope this helps!